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3 Bytes hinzugefügt, 10:39, 8. Sep. 2021
Beschreibung: Oskar statt Oscar
== Beschreibung ==
Attestation of Compliance
With DIN SPEC 3105-1
Oscar Oskar – Braille Keyboard
The technical documentation of Oskar – Braille Keyboard, underwent a community-
submitted documentation release, hence the design qualifies as:
issuing body: Open Source Ecology Germany e.V.
Date of issue: 27.08.21
Reviews can be accessed here[]The corresponding documentation release can be accessed here []
Although all actions have been performed with greatest possible care,
misalignments cannot be ruled out. If you find one, please don‘t hesitate and
send a public complaint so we can open the review process again and help
clarify misalignments. Just send us an eMail so we can follow up on the issue:
Thanks for sharing your know-how with the world. Keep it up!