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2.242 Bytes hinzugefügt, 18:04, 11. Dez. 2020
Source: Contact
Oskar is a tactile keyboard for the smartphone.
Oskar is fast, accurate and discreet for blind and visually impaired people.
Oskar is the abbreviation of '''o'''pen '''s'''ource '''k'''ey '''ar'''rangement.
[https://www.abiliaproteggere.net/2019/11/14/smartphone-arriva-la-tastiera-oskar/?fbclid=IwAR1gl4aO-Mv-TOIRQmaDgP_0-hrmUs6-aA5_l90GogXfxFTd7mSWFBKujlI Link all'articolo su Oskar in Abili a proteggere]
= Maker Faire Rome 2020 =
[[Datei:MF20 bollo maker.png|link=https://makerfairerome.eu/]]
[https://makerfairerome.eu/ Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition]
= Presentation =
[[Media:Deck-oskar.pdf| Maker Faire Rome 2020 Online Edition Oskar presentation]]
= Oskar Zither =
[[Datei:OskarZithermitHaenden.jpg|320px| Oskar Zither, Finger and thumbs on the keys]]
Data connection via [https://store.arduino.cc/arduino-micro Arduino Micro] with USB cable.
= Oskar Concertina =
[[File:Concertina1.jpeg|599px|Oskar Concertina]]
Oskar Concertina is attached to the back of the smartphone with magnets.
Video about attaching and using the Oskar Concertina on a smartphone.
<html5media height="360" width="640">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0peQTYuEqs</html5media>
Data connection via [https://www.wemos.cc/en/latest/d32/index.html ESP-32 (Wemos Lolin D32)] with Bluetooth.
= Braille =
* try it yourself [https://brailletutorial.com/tutorial/ online brailletrainer]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braille Wikipedia Braille]
= Science =
[[Datei:Speed-accuracy.png|speed and accuracy of Oskar]]
Speed and accuracy of Oskar for blind and visually-impaired people.
[https://broschuerenservice.sozialministerium.at/Home/Download?publicationId=739 brochure "WINTEC 2019 – Wissenschaftspreis Inklusion durch Naturwissenschaften und TEChnik" with study about Oskar]
Bachelor's thesis: Oskar – Prototypische Implementierung und Evaluierung einer mobilen Braille-Texteingabemethode
* PDF [[Medium:Bac-oskar.pdf]]
* HTML [https://oskar.ddns.mobi/bac/index.html https://oskar.ddns.mobi/bac/]
= Source =
[https://gitlab.com/teamoskar/oskar_concertina gitlab.com/teamoskar/oskar_concertina]
[https://gitlab.com/teamoskar/oskar_zither_case gitlab.com/teamoskar/oskar_zither_case]
[https://gitlab.com/teamoskar/oskar_zither_pcb gitlab.com/teamoskar/oskar_zither_pcb]
= Contact =[https[Benutzer://makerfairerome.eu/ makerfairerome.euJohannes]]